Sending Files in the Chat – Share Your Photos, Gifs, and Videos

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Sometimes words alone are not enough for successful communication, collaboration and sharing of ideas. Chatwee, aside from having a traditional text-based chat window, also has several ways to enrich the communication between members of a community. It is possible to share images, videos, gifs, and other types of files in the chat, add emojis, and record short audio messages within the chat application. In the short guide below we will show you how to share files, enable or disable the option of sending files in the chat, and present a couple more features related to displaying media in chat conversations.


Custom Linking in the Chat – Sending Links Faster and Easier

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Our custom linking tool is a great addition to any chat. It lets you make a list of words which will turn into links every time they’re used in chat messages sent by users. This results in easy creation of links to your chosen websites or pages, such as useful posts or community FAQs, links to your favorite pieces of content, marketing materials, images and videos, or anything else you deem important. You just need to connect a URL address with a chosen word! Read more to find out where to find the Custom linking tool in Chatwee and how to set up your own custom links in the chat.


Online Radio Chat Room – Keeping Listeners Engaged

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Since it was first conceptualized in the 1890s, the radio has come a long way from being a novel, imperfect communication device to a major broadcasting and entertainment platform, with its golden age set in the 1930s. Although new means of communication over distance have evolved, radio hasn’t been discarded but instead it reinvented itself by fusing with the Internet to keep its listeners tuned in and engaged, with chatroom widgets being a part of the transformation.


Custom Chat Colors – Adjusting a Chat to Your Website

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Adjusting a third-party application to your own website is very important not only for technical purposes, but also for improving the aesthetics. If you want to set up a chat widget for your website that can have its display and colors adjusted to your preferences, Chatwee is the perfect choice. Chats offered by Chatwee are highly customizable – the color of each element in the chat window can be altered to match the design of your own website. There are also ready-made color schemes you can use. What is more, if you know how to code, you can use your skills to write a custom CSS code and paste it into a special box in the settings – this will also modify the appearance of your chat.


Chatwee Analytics – A Peek into Your Community

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Chatwee accounts come with an extensive set of options and features accessible in your Dashboard. What is more, there is a useful page which allows you to see the statistics of your chat widget and take a closer peek at your community. In your Dashboard, in the Analytics tab, you can see information about the chat traffic, users, and messages, among other things. These stats can be useful if you want to assess how engaging your chat is to the users.


What Is Chatwee And Who It Is For

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Chatwee is a social live chat app which isn’t all that easy to explain to someone who hasn’t used it yet. Unlike tons of other online chats, it hasn’t been designed to deliver text-based customer support in ecommerce and elsewhere but rather to provide space for website visitors to interact in. Chatwee finds use wherever there are people assembling online, brought together by a common interest or purpose – an online community. If you’re looking for a tool that will level up the social aspect of your site, Chatwee chat is your go-to solution.