How to Start an Online Peer Support Group

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Online peer support groups are an exceptionally powerful tool when it comes to efforts aimed at combating all sorts of physical and mental issues people are bothered by. From chronic illness, to depression, to eating disorders, online peer assistance groups are there to facilitate support and provide encouragement among their members. If you’re one of the noble individuals with a calling to help others out, you can start your own peer support group with not much effort at all. Here’s how to approach this.


Using Chatwee To Create a Private Chat Room (No Website Needed)

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At its core, Chatwee is supposed to be installed on a website. After all, it’s a chat room app intended for online communities whose members frequent a particular site to engage with each other but also with all sorts of content being published there. When trying to build a community of any kind, it’s advised to have your own space to host it in the form of a website, and then add a real-time communication feature in the form of a chatroom. At the end of the day, though, this isn’t the only way to operate. Chatwee proves to be versatile enough to allow you to skip the site part and focus on setting up just a private chat room. Here’s how this works.


Blocking Profanity and Censoring Chat Messages

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Chatwee offers two tools related to protecting the chat users from profanity or other sensitive words. You can completely block messages which contain chosen terms, or simply censor particular words with an asterisk. The word list for both tools is customizable and can contain any words you want to prevent from reaching your audience. Read more to find out how to set up the censoring of chat messages and how to use it for your advantage.


Investment And Day Trading Chat Room Solution For Your Website

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Day trading chat rooms have become increasingly popular among financially savvy individuals wanting to grow their wealth. If you have the necessary specialist knowledge and are looking to start a trading site of any kind (stocks, crypto, investing), you might want to consider building a loyal community around it to ensure your own growth and the capability to provide extra value for those who come to you for guidance. Here’s a day trading chat room solution that will help you get started.


Everything About Chat Moderation Tools in Chatwee

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Chat moderation is a very important topic to discuss if you care about spam prevention and controlling the content that is posted in the chat embedded in your website. Chatwee has a multitude of tools related to keeping your chat under control and lets you appoint multiple moderators to help with the workload. Read more to find out what can be done to improve moderation in your Chatwee chat and how to appoint moderators.


How to Embed Chat Box in a WordPress Post or Page (Screenshots Included)

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WordPress truly stands head and shoulders above all other CMS. Its features and freedom to customize are unmatched, making it possible to create any type of website you desire. The power of WordPress lies in the numerous plugins available with it, greatly expanding the platform’s capabilities. One such extension is WordPress user chat plugin allowing visitors to interact with each other while browsing the site. Read up to learn how to embed chat box in a WordPress post or page to boost reader engagement.