Why So Social? Online Communities Stimulating Website Growth

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Despite having its drawbacks, obviously, the Internet is an invaluable instrument for bringing its users closer together. Online communities rise all over it, centered around common interests, hobbies, brands, or for networking purposes. You, my Dear Reader, may be an owner of a site like that, thinking of ways to stimulate its growth. Well, I’m glad you’re with me today, as I have some ideas you might find useful. Let’s move on to examine why you shouldn’t ignore the social aspect of your site and strongly consider growing a community around it.


6 Common Online Problems Solved by Live Chat

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The way we see our digital product – Chatwee – is that it’s a tool to help you grow an online community on your website, socialize with visitors and have fun while you’re at it. This is its main purpose, however, a group live chat widget is more than meets the eye. It can perform serious, business-oriented functions as well. The article that follows argues there are certain common online problems that can be solved using live chat. Read on to see how relatable you’ll find them to your own experience thus far.