What Is a Group Chat App All About?

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A group chat app is chat software allowing multiple users to communicate with each other all at the same time. In essence, it’s a private chat room that can be used for a wide range of purposes. There is a group chat feature available with many of the social media platforms but then there are also standalone applications focusing on users interacting primarily via texting. Let’s have a closer look at what a group chat app is and what it’s used for.


Chat Rules – Make Your Users Accept Chat Policies Before Joining

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Following rules in an online community or during an online event is crucial if you want to maintain a friendly atmosphere. There are many ways of preventing spam and keeping the chat under control – in this post we’d like to show you how to make your users read the chat rules and accept them before joining a Chatwee chatroom. Importantly, the contents of the chat policy are custom. Any information can be put there – chat rules and policies, information about an upcoming event, opening hours of the chatrooms, or any custom text you’d like your users to see first. Read more to see how to set up your own chat rules and make your users accept them before accessing the chat.


Adding Chat Room to a WordPress Website

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WordPress websites are extremely popular because of how advanced yet easy to operate the platform is. One of the main reasons so many people launch WP-based sites is the huge selection of plugins that can greatly enhance the functionalities of their projects. One way to ensure success of a site is to make it more socially-oriented, so that users coming in can engage and interact with each other. In this post I’d like to show you how to add a chat room to a WordPress website. Sounds good?