6 Common Online Problems Solved by Live Chat

The way we see our digital product – Chatwee – is that it’s a tool to help you grow an online community on your website, socialize with visitors and have fun while you’re at it. This is its main purpose, however, a group live chat widget is more than meets the eye. It can perform serious, business-oriented functions as well. The article that follows argues there are certain common online problems that can be solved using live chat. Read on to see how relatable you’ll find them to your own experience thus far.

Who would’ve thought a neat little live chat widget would be capable of solving actual online problems, right?

Yes, indeed! Despite its rather simple design, it’s an empowering tool for site owners and visitors alike. If you happen to be among the former group, by installing live chat, you strike two birds with one stone. You give your business a boost in certain areas discussed below, but at the same time, provide customers with a tool to reach you in a comfortable manner.

Without further ado, let’s now take a closer look at some common online problems alleviated by live chat, the resolver.

Online problem #1 – I want to attract more visitors to my site

 How does live chat help? 

Well, if you want your site to be a success, you need to not only attract people to it, but more importantly, give them a reason to stay and return. Group live chat provides an opportunity to meet new people with similar interests and interact with them in real time. Wouldn’t you appreciate the chance to come back to a place where others understand you well?

Growing an online community around a shared interest, a product, or a brand is one way to ensure a steady traffic of loyal supporters to your site. Social live chat allows for direct communication of these people on the go, which should act as an incentive when it comes to returning to the site, since hobbies are always more fun when enjoyed with other like-minded individuals.

Online problem #2 – I want my website to be more interactive

 How does live chat help? 

This is pretty self-explanatory. Once you install a live chat widget, you create a dynamic and interactive element on your website, a space for real-time interaction.

This particular online problem may especially affect people who already deliver engaging forms of digital content. A group live chat is an excellent add-on for various types of live streams, gaming communities, online radio stations, etc.

It helps you to stay involved in the affairs of your audience, learn from them to grow, and generally show a human side by staying approachable.

Online problem #3 – Insufficient information about a product or service

 How does live chat help? 

This may be one of the most common online problems ever experienced by anyone who’s partaken in e-commerce. What live chat does, is it creates a channel for instant provision of information – an aspect of your operations that may make or break a deal.

Having live chat support on your website helps you to not miss out on business and sales opportunities. You don’t have to wait for visitors to break the ice either. With Chatwee, for example, you see every new site guest pop up in the chat user list, so you can provide proactive support by approaching people in private conversations, or posting encouraging messages in the public lobby.

Online problem #4 – A need for consultation/advice

 How does live chat help? 

When it comes to solving (online) problems, the speed of reaction often is crucial to the person who seeks help. Email may be of out the question, phone usually implies waiting times that may be unacceptable. Live chat, on the other hand, is a free communications channel for its user, that is also prompt and discreet.

I’ve been discussing various applications of live chat a lot on this blog. I’ve seen it used for providing legal advice and mental health counselling, to name just a few. In all honesty, it’s totally up to you to decide on the exact form of delivering online advice. If you feel like your target group may need it, definitely consider live chat as an online problem solver.

Online problem #5 – I need to trim down the cost of customer support

 How does live chat help? 

Sure, a chat plan for a business may not be entirely free, but it still can turn out to be more affordable and have a better ROI than maintaining a bunch of phone lines. Moreover, a single support agent can hold multiple conversations at the same time, something which isn’t possible over the telephone.

Another online problem related to customer service that live chat solves is the immediacy of help provision. Resolving issues faster means lowering the cost of support in the long run. Besides, as indicated by research, live chat seems to be the preferred means of communication with businesses, especially if your target audience is a younger demographic.

If you’re thinking about giving live chat a try, please take a look at our pricing. There’s a number of plans available, adjusted to various size businesses, and even a free-forever plan if it suits you.

Online problem #6 – I want to stand out among my competitors

 How does live chat help? 

Succeeding in any business is a lot about making yourself stand out from the pack, delivering quality, but also being different in a good way. By now, you’d think everyone, especially in online retail, would offer some form of real-time support. WRONG! There’s plenty of online stores and other similar businesses that don’t offer live chat at all.

Providing live chat is one way to differentiate yourself from competitors and create extra value for your customers. It gives you a little more flair and makes you look more modern. Live chat is a great way to create lasting positive first impression, as well as encourage returning customers.

Final word

I believe there’s a number of online problems that pretty much anyone surfing the web has experienced. I discussed them briefly in this post and suggested live chat as a remedy. Not only is a tool like Chatwee super easy to install, it’s also affordable and has a wide range of actual business applications.

A live chat widget improves the performance of sites and experience of users alike. It’s convenient and desired by the younger generation of customers.

With all that being said, why don’t you try Chatwee for free? If you’ll like it, you can upgrade, or keep the free version forever. If you won’t be happy with it, there are no strings attached whatsoever. Just follow the link and sign up in the top right corner.

Feel free to share your impressions with me on Twitter @Chatwee

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