Cyber Monday 2015 – A Telling Tool to Boost Your Business

Cyber Monday 2015 is coming nearer. This year, it will be held on 30 November, the last Monday of the month. It’s also the 10th anniversary of the term, coined in 2005 by Ellen Davis. Now, this post is aimed specifically at online retailers, who may be looking for ways to capitalize on customers’ spending sprees even more by giving them something extra, besides limited time offers and discounts. Keep on reading to learn about one powerful tool that will boost your business right in time for Cyber Monday 2015.

I suppose readers of this blog coming from the Anglosphere are familiar with the concept of Cyber Monday. To those of you who aren’t, though, as well as to people coming from other parts of the globe – it’s the first Monday after the Thanksgiving celebrated in the United States, and this year it falls on 30 November.

Essentially, on this day, online retailers offer large discount and rebates in order to persuade people to shop online, frequently after they were online shopping throughout the Thanksgiving weekend. Cyber Monday is kind of like a digital version of Black Friday, and they both mark the start of the pre-Christmas commercial stretch.

But what if I operate in a country, where there’s no tradition of Cyber Monday?

Sure, there’s plenty of those. On the other hand, there is a number of non-English speaking countries that have successfully adopted Cyber Monday, like France, Germany, Japan, India, Argentina, and others.

Look, I’m not trying to force you to adopt another non-native tradition just because. Consider the fact, though, that it doesn’t have much to do with culture as such, and is more about the globalized world of e-commerce we live in. The sales will be there, whether you like it or not, and people aren’t confined to spending money only within their country’s share of the Internet.

I suppose that what I’m saying is why not blaze a new trail and introduce Cyber Monday in your market, and at the same time win some new customers, make sure they spend their money with you, and not somewhere else?

So, what’s that tool you mention, that can improve my sales?

Yes, let’s get right to it. I’m talking about using live chat to provide real-time assistance to your shoppers. Sure, you’ve trimmed the product prices nicely for Cyber Monday, but that doesn’t mean people will just throw their money mindlessly at anything.

They may still hesitate or require additional information while browsing your online store. Live chat gives you an opportunity to disperse these doubts and increases your chances of closing out sales.

Take a look below at some more arguments for using live chat during Cyber Monday and find out about the special offer I have for you (hint: it will not cost you a penny but will arm you with the fully-functional solution, interested yet?)

Make yourself stand out right off the gate

Like I said before, it’s great for customer that you’re offering attractive discounts, but are you the only one who’s doing this on Cyber Monday? Is your online store the only place where customers are willing to spend money? Of course not.

The competition is strong, as always, and one of the ways to gain an upper hand is to add something extra, like live chat, to your site.

Not only does it make you look more sophisticated and up-to-date, but most of all, as plenty of research available online shows, is the preferred channel for support among customers.

Provide assistance during the sale

And speaking of support, the provision of it is the most fundamental purpose of any live chat widget installed on an e-commerce website.

Customers browsing your site on Cyber Monday may need assistance in finding the right product category, have some sizing inquiries, ask about product applications, or want you to send extra photos, if necessary.

Your capability of delivering any such information may prove to be a deal maker. If a prospect will be unsure about any of the product facets, s/he may leave it at that and move on to the next store.

Continue to provide support after the sale is over

What’s cool about a live chat widget, is that it’s an affordable solution that will come in handy anytime, and not only on Cyber Monday.

Providing consistent support is crucial for developing customer loyalty. Making live chat available to your clients is one way of ensuring them that you’re there if they need you. Whether they want to discuss certain product details before paying, or there’s something they want to talk about after they made a purchase, live chat is an excellent channel for this kind of interaction.

And it’s not only about providing support. With solutions like Chatwee, where you can see people entering your site in real-time, you can conduct non-invasive, proactive sales (asking people who have been on the site for some time if they need help, or informing them about special offers), or upsale them, if the conversation has being going smoothly and the customer is generally positive about spending money with you.

And here’s my Cyber Monday deal for you

I hope I’ve managed to convince you about the usefulness of live chat in e-commerce. Adding Chatwee to your site is as easy as it gets and doesn’t require you to have any programming or developer skills. The pricing plans have been structured to match different sizes of business too.

There’s even a free-forever plan, if that suits you, however, why not take a couple of moments to register an account with us and request a 7-day free trial of one of the paid plans? No strings attached.

You can try it just in time for Cyber Monday. Make it a part of your campaign advertising the sale to attract more shoppers, and if you’ll like it, why not keep it on your site for good? Live chat is a solution that will be useful to your business at any time, and Cyber Monday seems like a good time to refresh your website.

Final word

There’s not much doubt about the fact that live chat is an excellent add-on for e-commerce sites, appreciated by customer across all sectors.

I’ve used this post to introduce the concept of Cyber Monday (to those of you who are new to it), and show how you can make the most of it with the help of a simple, yet powerful tool.

The best part is that it won’t even cost you anything, and if Chatwee will prove to be useful and you’ll want to continue using it, it’s still an affordable solution, regardless of the size of your business. Just in case you’ll have any questions you’d like to ask regarding this post or the offer I made, hit up and talk to me live, or send an email if I won’t be there at the time.

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