6 Reasons Why Live Chat Support is a Business Booster

How do I make my business different from the competition? How can I grow and innovate? How do I establish better relations with customers and make them come back? How can I gain extra insights and make my operations more effective? These are the questions business owners worldwide ask themselves daily in an attempt to push their organizations to that next level. Obviously, there’s the human factor, where talented individuals are able to lead the charge. There are also various business performance boosting tools, the sheer number of which can make your head spin. In this post, I’d like to focus on one such tool and show how you can address the questions above by implementing live chat support.

The entire buying process is an experience, maybe even more so online. Your job is to make it memorable every time a client is pondering spending his hard-earned money on your products.

As the client considers various aspects of the product, such as its price, real-life applications, or physical features, he may have some questions or develop some doubts. This is your chance to turn him into an actual buyer through the provision of live chat support.

Live chat widget creates a channel for communication with the customer in real-time and allows for building confidence during the buying process, which improves conversion rates.

With a solution like Chatwee, currently available agents are clearly visible to site visitors right after they enter the site. Clients, who seek live chat support can be automatically logged in as guests and don’t have to provide any personal details to use the widget. Also, agents can proactively communicate their readiness to answer inquiries by posting such information in the public chat window regularly.

Why live chat support is the investment your business needs

Alright, I have just described one of the ways in which live chat support can be delivered using Chatwee. What are some other arguments, though, speaking for installing live chat widget on your website? How else will your business benefit from it? Let’s take a look.

Live chat is convenient

We’ve all kind of grown accustomed to increasing conveniency of everything. From food, to transportation, to various types of interaction. Customers visiting your online business, who find themselves in need of help, can get real-time live chat support without even leaving the page.

The availability and speed of the delivered help are crucial to customers and add up to creating an enjoyable experience.

Live chat is cost-efficient

As you’re thinking of ways to expand your business, one of the moves you probably consider is making an investment in better equipment or software. Oftentimes, these things can be quite costly, however, live chat emerges as a solution with one of the better ROI out there.

With Chatwee, you can start providing live chat support for as low as $4.90 a month. There’s even a free-forever version, in case its features will suit you. The return I mentioned will come from an overall better customer experience, as well as buying more, based on receiving good advice and boosting clients’ confidence.

Live chat makes your business stand out

An advantage not to be treated lightly in times of sectors becoming increasingly more competitive. Providing live chat support is a good way to differentiate yourself from similar companies.

This way, you’re showing that you’re client-oriented and open to dialogue. Live chat support adds value to the overall experience customers have with your website and is an excellent opportunity to win over your competition’s customers.

The thing is that there are still plenty of businesses not using live chat, so here’s your chance to gain an upper hand in terms of customer experience.

Live chat support deepens customer relations

If you’re managing a business, your goal is to stay in it for the long run, and customer retention is crucial to it. Returning customers tend to spend more and create the extremely valuable WOMM. By providing live chat support, you show that you truly care about what they have to say and about keeping them happy.

In the digital world today, customers are a lot more vocal and influential, so it’s important you remain open to what they have to say. If they feel they’re being heard, they’re more likely to have a positive experience and remain connected to your business.

Live chat allows for transcripts

Good live chat software allows you to get transcripts of all the conversations held over a period of time. You can use this data for analysis and improvement of customer service.

A good way to go about it would be to identify pain points and trends that have emerged during the provision of live chat support. See what questions and concerns were recurrent. Maybe it was something about a certain product feature, maybe the website copy isn’t clear enough, what about that broken link?

Live chat helps boost conversion rates

Cart abandonment is a serious issue for a lot of businesses. Why does it happen? Sudden change of mind, or maybe insufficient information and a missing confidence-booster?

Live chat support allows you to answer that extra question a client may have and provide him with reassurance that he’s making the right purchase decision, which can seal the deal. At the same time, you’re working on building a positive image and strengthening ties with the customer.

Conducting pro-active sales by offering help before client reaches the point of doubt, providing advice aimed at customer choosing the product that fits his needs best, or dropping exclusive discount codes would all be actions intended to boost conversion rates through the use of live chat support.

Final word

As you can see, live chat widget has multiple applications in e-commerce. Most of all, it’s very convenient for customers shopping for stuff, it’s definitely an affordable investment with great ROI, and it helps you to improve your image and strengthen ties with clients.

Providing live chat support is a great way for you to stand out among the competition. By being there for the clients when they’re about to make a purchase decision, you show that your care for them.

My question, then, is – why isn’t your company using live chat? What’s stopping you? Do you think your clients would appreciate the opportunity to interact with you in real-time? Or are you already using one? What’s your experience so far? Either way, let me know in the comments or tweet me @Chatwee

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