Chatwee Analytics – A Peek into Your Community

Chatwee accounts come with an extensive set of options and features accessible in your Dashboard. What is more, there is a useful page which allows you to see the statistics of your chat widget and take a closer peek at your community. In your Dashboard, in the Analytics tab, you can see information about the chat traffic, users, and messages, among other things. These stats can be useful if you want to assess how engaging your chat is to the users.

Tracking chat traffic

Each chat has its own statistics page where you can see information about its traffic. Since you can have multiple chats at the same time, each instance of a chat widget will have its own page and its own statistics.

When you click on the Analytics tab, you’ll see filters and several info boxes. To see statistics from a chosen period, select dates in the filter bar and click Apply.

The Analytics tab

Here’s a detailed description of each info box:

  • Messages sent – this is the total number of all sent messages in public chats, excluding private chatrooms. The messages can be deleted – then they will disappear from the total message count.
  • Total user count – the last window shows you the total number of all users in a given chat. This includes guests.
  • Community members – the number of users registered within your chat. You can see them and manage them in the Community tab.
  • Instances of reaching user limit – if your chat has a certain limit of users (see more about limits and features here), then every instance of going beyond the limit will be counted here. For example, if you have a limit of 300 users in your Ultimate plan, then the 301st user who tries to reach the chat will be notified about the limit and you’ll get +1 in your stats. This number can tell you clearly if you need a higher plan and if users can access the chat without problems.
  • Most popular chatroom – Chatwee chats can have multiple chatrooms; this box shows the most popular one: that is, with the most messages.
  • Most active community member – this is the user who has written the most messages in the chat.
  • Total files sent – chats powered by Chatwee have the option of file sending; this stat counts all types of files sent in a chat: images, gifs, videos, and audio files. There is also an option of recording voice messages within the chat: each recording counts as an audio message.
  • Number of private chats – Chatwee chats can have both public and private chatrooms, for 1:1 or group conversations.
  • Number of private messages – this is the total number of messages sent in private conversations, both group and 1:1.

User limit – ways to increase it

If you notice there are instances of reaching the user limit and you want to switch to a higher monthly plan to allow more people to use the chat, you can do it in your Dashboard, but the change will come into effect once the next scheduled payment is made. Another way is to use the Pay Per Use option, which allows you to purchase a higher plan just for a single or several days – this is incredibly useful during high traffic time or for one-time events when you don’t need a monthly subscription.

Instances of reaching user limit

If these aren’t satisfactory, you can always contact our Support Team to assist you in choosing the best solution.

Our chats are able to handle thousands of users at once – right now it is possible to accommodate 3000 simultaneous users, but it is possible to go up to 4000 people if certain options are switched off. If you plan online events for large communities, this could be the tool you’re looking for.

How to test it out for free without making a commitment?

You can set up a free chat widget with our Free plan (register here!) and request a trial. Our Support Team will happily set up a trial of a chosen paid plan for you and answer all the questions you might have. 😊

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