Custom Linking in the Chat – Sending Links Faster and Easier

Our custom linking tool is a great addition to any chat. It lets you make a list of words which will turn into links every time they’re used in chat messages sent by users. This results in easy creation of links to your chosen websites or pages, such as useful posts or community FAQs, links to your favorite pieces of content, marketing materials, images and videos, or anything else you deem important. You just need to connect a URL address with a chosen word! Read more to find out where to find the Custom linking tool in Chatwee and how to set up your own custom links in the chat.

The entire process is very easy and can be done in just a few clicks. To access the Dashboard and chat settings, create your free account here and then log in.

Setting up your own custom links

First, head over to the Customize tab in your Dashboard and scroll down to the Linking category. Here you can enable or disable URL linking (if enabled, links like will be clickable) and enable or disable custom linking. Enable the second option and click Edit custom links.

Dashboard -> Customize -> Linking.

Next, edit your list of links. The pattern you should follow is LINKED_WORD|LINK_URL – for example: chatwee| Mind that linked words are case-insensitive, so both Chatwee and chatwee will turn into a custom link.

When you set everything up, go to the bottom of the page and click Apply changes. That’s it!

Anything can be paired up with a word and made into a custom link. Here are a few examples:

  • Support pages, FAQs, community rules, other helpful or most visited subpages of your website. Helping or informing your users will be much faster and efficient.
  • Pages from external websites: posts, videos, tutorials, channels – for entertainment, sharing information, education, marketing.
  • Images, videos, sound files – when uploaded to an external service that provides a link to the piece of content. Use the generated address to create a custom link.

Custom linking examples and custom link color

Below you can find an example from our Chatwee demo. If a user mentions the word integration, it will be turned into a link to our page

As you can see, we kept our links in a traditionally blue color, but you can adjust this on your own, according to your personal taste or to the design of the website where the chat is installed. To set up a custom color of links, go to your Dashboard, then Appearance tab, and then find Message links color – you can either choose the hex code and copy-paste it into the box, or use the color picker. It is also possible to use our Custom CSS box to alter the appearance of elements in the chat.

Message links color and Custom CSS – both can be found in the Appearance tab.

If you’d like to find out more about customizing colors of the chat and formatting, please check out our Color Customization post (which is a simple introduction to color changing) as well as our Color Customization Guide (detailed list of all the chat elements that can be customized).

Want to try it out?

If you’d like to check out what Chatwee has to offer, you can register for free here and request a free trial of a Premium plan by sending us a message through the contact form. You can also use the form to send feedback, request help or ask us anything about Chatwee – we will be happy to assist you. 🙂

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