Chat Widget Localization – How to Manage Multilingual Communities

Did you know that the language of the Chatwee interface can be chosen by each individual user according to their preference, regardless of the main language chosen by the admin? Currently there are over 25 languages available and this number is growing, thanks to our community! Read more to find out how to set it up and customize your chat widget.

How to set up the interface language and let your users choose their own?

In your Dashboard, in the Language category, there are two language settings: Language and Language Switch. The first lets you set up the main language of the chat interface. Enabling the other allows your users to choose a language of the chat interface on their own while using the chat – regardless of the option chosen by other users or the admin. This way the chat is localized for each user according to their own preference.

From the user’s perspective, switching the language in the chat window takes exactly three clicks – and there are a lot of options to choose from. Right now, the available languages are: Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, German, English, Finnish, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese BR, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish, and Ukrainian.

This list will hopefully grow with time. 😊

Another interesting way to localize your website chat window is to edit the guest names list. You can easily change the default examples to your own – let’s say, names popular in your own country or even funny names specific to your own community. The input names will be displayed as guest_name, to differentiate between guests and registered users.

Why so many languages?

Chatwee is used by people all over the world and is a tool of communication among many nationalities. Our team recognizes the need for supporting local languages and making users comfortable while using our chat widget – hence our effort to translate Chatwee on our own and with the help of our users.

Another reason behind the variety is our focus to make Chatwee highly customizable – in this case, the admin can set up the main language of the chat window according to their preference, but also has the choice to let the users decide. Enabling Language Switch allows users to change the chat widget language as they wish; this can come in handy during global events or in multilingual communities.

We hope that our chat localization tools and customization features help our users adjust their chats according to their own preferences and the needs of their users and communities. Of course, there are more languages than the ones listed above, so we will continue working on new language versions of our app.

Want to test it out?

If you’d like to set up a chat window with an interface in over 25 languages and with a ton of customization options, consider giving Chatwee a try. You can register for free here and message our support team to request a week-long trial of a paid plan – we will always offer our assistance in case of any doubts or questions.

The app is available in: Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, German, English, Finnish, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese BR, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish, and Ukrainian.

In case you’d like to try out these chat localization options in a language that we do not support, please consider helping us with the translation in exchange for an upgrade!

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