Message Premoderation – Keeping Your Chat Under Control

Message premoderation can be a very useful tool for preventing spam or unnecessary messages popping up in your website chat widget; when this feature is enabled, each message appearing in the chat will require a moderator to either accept or deny it – otherwise it won’t be displayed to other users.

Benefits of chat premoderation

Premoderation can be used not only to prevent spam in your chat, but also to display only the desired messages, files or questions, for example during a Q&A session or during a moderated event. This control allows you to keep the contents of the chat clean in real time and react before anything inappropriate reaches the public.

Setting up a web chat widget with premoderation

Chats offered by Chatwee include the premoderation option in Pro, Ultimate, Custom, and Pay per use plans. You can find the feature in your Dashboard after logging in, in the Customization tab, in the Chatrooms section.

Moderating messages in real time can be done by multiple moderators simultaneously.  Appointing multiple mods in Chatwee is very easy – all you have to do is to ask them to sign up for Chatwee accounts directly in your chat and enter their email addresses in the Moderators tab.

This option also works in Chatwee plugins for WordPress, XenForo, phpBB, and more. For a full list of plugins available, click here.

Other ways to control the contents of your chat

Aside from premoderating messages before they are published, there are several other options related to keeping your website chat clean and tidy. Chats provided by Chatwee can be fully open to anyone or have restricted access. It is possible to make the chat visible only to the registered members of a given community. Another feature related to this topic is the customizable profanity filter. What’s more, the moderators of the chat can ban or shadow ban unwanted users and delete unnecessary messages after they have been posted.

As you can see, there are many tools to keep the contents of your chat appropriate; chat premoderation will come in handy especially during professional events, Q&A sessions, mental health counseling and similar cases, where spam and unsuitable messages are unacceptable. It is also a useful solution for those, who simply want to keep the contents of their website chat under control.

If you’d like to try out the aforementioned features offered by Chatwee, you can register for free here and send us a message with a trial request – we will be happy to set up a free week-long trial for you and help you in case of any doubts or questions.

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