Live Chat For Wix Made Easy: Widget Integration Instructions

Three guys sitting on a beach, pondering over the issues they have with building a website for another one of their startups, experience a moment of enlightenment. Surely, there must be a simpler way to do all this design and development stuff. Why not create a tool, then, that will empower everyone to build their own sites with no hard tech skills needed? And better yet, make it free! Sounds a bit like a movie script but that’s how Wix was born. Take a closer look at what the platform has to offer and learn how to get live chat for Wix going in no time.

This cloud-based web building platform was launched in 2006 and has since grown to a stunning 60 million users worldwide. The concept behind it is a no-brainer, but it’s the execution of the idea, that has resulted in the success the company enjoys today.

Wix allows anyone to create their presence online in a manner of a couple of clicks. There’s no knowledge of coding or graphic design required. From one-pager resumes to online stores, have it your way. The basic service is free and comes with reliable hosting.

Although you can have a fully functional website for free, which is pretty generous if you ask me, it’s the reasonable priced premium plans that allow you to spread your wings. Follow the link for a detailed description of Wix features.

You can still edit and customize hundreds of designer-made templates without paying a penny, as well as add apps to enhance the overall functionality of your website. Among the apps you can install in order to boost interactivity of your site is the free Chatwee social live chat for Wix widget you can get absolutely for free.

Live chat for Wix integration instructions

  1. Sign In to your account at and you’ll see a list of websites you’ve created. Click Edit Site to go to the HTML Editor of the site you want to add live chat for Wix to.Wix Live Chat Edit SiteWix HTML5 Editor
  2. Once the template is loaded, navigate to the left side of the screen and click the button with a large plus sign on it to add the chat app.Add Chat App to Wix Site
  3. From the drop down menu select the Apps tab and then click on HTML.Wix Add App HTML
  4. Another window will appear, where you need to select HTML code from the drop down menu titled Mode.Add HTML Code
  5. Now, log in to your Chatwee Control Panel. Go to the Dashboard tab on the left and copy the code of live chat for Wix.Live Chat Code for Wix
  6. Next, return to and paste the chat app code into the empty field in the window. At the bottom of it you can also decide whether you want the live chat for Wix to appear on every page or not.Install Chat Code to Wix
  7. That’s it, click Update to save the changes.


Wix allows you to easily drag elements of the site and drop them where you need it, to build with HTML5 capabilities. The total package it offers, along with convenient customization make Wix a fine selection for someone not overly tech-savvy, yet wanting a professional and unique website.

Personalizing your live chat for Wix is effortless. Just log in to Chatwee Control Panel and proceed to the Customize tab on the left. Here, you’ll be able to change the appearance of the Wix chat app, set various messages, deal with security and privacy, as well as name moderators. Don’t forget to always hit that blue Apply changes button once you’re finished with every section.

Feel free to Contact Us if you have any doubts or questions. Meanwhile, I suggest you acquaint with the Chatwee Support Center or follow the links below to get more information regarding live chat for Wix integration.

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