Create Your Own Chat Room Website – It’s Easier Than You Think

The Internet gives you a lot of freedom to pursue creative or business endeavors. The ease of launching a website these days puts it within reach of almost anyone, even if they don’t have much technical knowledge. Then, the website can be about anything you desire or care about, as long as it doesn’t do or spread harm. In today’s post I’d like to discuss how you can create your own chat room website, as it’s actually not that difficult at all.

A chat room website, where people come in specifically to interact with others, which is the site’s main purpose, as opposed to serving some type content for example, is an intriguing idea to explore.

Maybe you have a passion you’d like to create a community around. Or maybe you always liked the social aspect of the Internet and want to create a hub of your own, where people will visit and interact on a daily basis. 

Well, now’s the good time to learn how to create a chat room website with no coding knowledge needed!

Why build a chat room website?

Let’s make one thing clear before we move any further. 

I’ve seen a significant amount of doubt online regarding whether chat rooms are still a thing. It seems like many people think that since the growth of social media perhaps, chat rooms have been made obsolete.

Well, they haven’t. Just think how popular Discord is, for example. 

The thing about chat room apps and websites is that they simply create a communication platform that works and that people enjoy. 

Search terms like:

● free chat room with no registration

● anonymous chat room

● private chat room

are very popular, which reflects what Internet users want. So, this is one of many niches you can fill by creating your own chat room website. 

Once it catches some traction, you can expect a steady stream of visitors and consider monetizing it.

Just as a side tangent, one interesting avenue you may want to explore is building an online dating site including a chat room. I’ve blogged about this before.

Now, going back to the main topic at hand, if you’re wondering how to create a chat room website from square one? Do I need to write chat room code myself? Or what is the best chat room platform available? I got you covered.

A mock process for creating a chat room website

Launching any website these days isn’t all that difficult at all, however, it’s a multifaceted issue. Multiple aspects are involved but if we’re talking about building your own chat room website, the most important factor of course is the actual chat room engine, which I’ll get to in due time.

Now without any further ado, here’s a step by step guide showing you how to create your own chat room website.

1. Come up with a name and a matching domain

The first step may be surprisingly difficult, especially if you haven’t had a cool catchy name rolling around in your head for some time.

The issue is twofold because not only do you have to get creative with the name, there also has to be an available domain (website address) matching it.

In any case, this is up to you. Come up with the name and buy the domain.

2. Get hosting 

Your chat room website has to have (occupy) a space online. In other words, you have to buy some server space for it.

This is something pretty much any domain company will offer as a service, so you won’t have to shop around too much. Usually, you’ll have to pay for a year or more of hosting in advance.

3. Install the site on the hosting

This means you’ll have to upload your website files on the purchased server space (hosting). 

If you’re an advanced Internet user and are going to run a custom-built site, you’ll most likely know what to do.

If this is your first time setting up a website, you can use one of many available CMS (Content Management Systems) like WordPress for example. 

Installing a CMS is most likely going to be offered by the domain / hosting provider as well, so there’s another convenience for you. 

Essentially, to start your chat rooms website, you’ll either upload custom HTML files onto the FTP or have the hosting provider install WordPress for you.

4. Choosing the chat room solution and fitting it into the general website layout

Once you have the frame of your chat room website up and running, it’s time to install the actual chatting platform. 

There’s quite a few of them available so it may take you a while to sift through them. You can also save time, skip the search stage and trust my recommendation. 😉

Here’s the chat room solution I suggest you try for your site.

Why Chatwee?

First off, Chatwee has already been proven as a chat rooms solution across numerous websites. But that’s no surprise, it’s what it’s been designed to do.

Second, Chatwee offers a wide range of features intended to get your community engaged. The post below doesn’t cover them all but will give you a rough idea of what to expect.

Chatwee is highly customizable and one particular aspect of it I think is worth mentioning in the context of building your own chat room website is that the app can be displayed in a variety of modes, creating the best fit possible with your layout.

That being said, if chat rooms are going to be an important but not absolutely main aspect of your site, you can use Chatwee in its default display mode which is an expandable chat bubble sitting in the corner of the site. 

On the other hand, if chat rooms are supposed to constitute the meat and potatoes of your site, you can embed Chatwee in a full screen mode.

The available chat display modes are more nuanced so you can have a look at our DEMO page to see what’s possible.

All in all, Chatwee’s strengths include ease of installation, flexibility, customizability, and a ton of features to get your audience engaged.

Now it’s your turn

You now have a pretty complete picture of what it takes to create your own chat room website. As you can see, it doesn’t take as much effort as one may expect, so if you feel like you have a catchy name and an available domain to go with it, and perhaps an idea of how to narrow things down to a specific topic, go for it!

Whether you want to build a site from scratch or create a chat room website with WordPress, for example, Chatwee is the app that will help you achieve your goals.

Feel free to sign up whenever you’re ready and give it a go. Especially since it won’t cost you anything to try. Any questions? Contact us and I’ll get back to you with the answers you seek.

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