The release of new Chatwee – features overview

By embedding Chatwee social chat widget to website you provide group and private chatting, media sharing and many other extra features to your web page.

Check this feature overview and find these you are intrested in at most.


Chatwee has no coding requirements. Just obtain your one line of code, embed it to your website and the widget is ready to use. Registration and plan (up to 10 simultaneous chatters) stays free – forever. Our chat system is cloud based, so it keeps your site to running fast. App is hosted on blazing fast servers and we take care of software updates, backups and server security.

Chatwee has been tested to work on all major modern browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and IE.

Currently the following localizations are available:: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Slovenian, German and Polish. More translations coming soon. Want to help translate Chatwee? Chatwee is always hosted separately from your website. App does not interfere with your code. Our application has been thoroughly tested on most popular desktop and mobile devices.


Live Chat

Sharing media content increases engagment 1000%. Visitors can share files like documents, photos and other media content with autolink and preview functionality in a simple and intuitive way. Chat widget has fixed position to the bottom of the page so your users can browse the site and chat simultaneously and there is no need to log in over and over again while exploring or refreshing the website. Users are able to post messages in public mode or start a private conversation with any other person available from the user’s list. Chatwee live chat widget updates automatically without refreshing the browser. We empowered our widget in auto-updating online user list and counter, sound notifications and immediate geolocation of your visitors.


The Widget

Every line of code is designed to maximize communication without taxing load time. Strict HTML5 – no plugins like Flash or Java required. Clean and non-distractive interface ensures using Chatwee highly intuitive. Beautifull design with every detail powered by CSS3. Tooltips built-in for instant support. Set own default sizes and mode views of your chat widget from full-size (‘Facebook like’) to compact. Users can now resize chat window horizontally to adjust it to their screens. Move widget to the left or right side, minimize or even turn off if necessary. Users search tool, messages shown with dates in relative time, very handy and automatically resizable message input, highly-intuitive drop-down chat menu, profile manager for registerd users… finally we attach no ads!



In order to maintain security Chatwee provides advanced chat access system. New visitors can create new Chatwee accounts so they can be verified by email. We also provide Annonymous login (‘Chat As a Guest’). Chatwee is fully integrated with social websites. Users can sign in with Facebook and Twitter.



We provide you an access to a control panel, where you can manage and personalize your chat widget in highly intuitive and user friendly way. Customize, moderate, review chat activity and more. Enable/disable features, change the name of your widget, choose your own background, border and text colors to become more recognizable, atractive and noticable for new visitors. Name your widget, display it in the header and become more recognizable. Choose your own background, border and text colors using simple color-picker tool.



Statistics like: number of visitors, number of messages sent and others are updated within milliseconds of actual events in Control Panel. All stored data can be visualized on beautiful charts for a better outlook. You can also moderate your chat history, remove spam and archive public messages. Get rid off unwanted content by simple deletion or set a profanity filter specifying words and phrases to be censored.



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