Live Chat as a Cure to The Pandemic Ails of The Event Industry

2020 has been a rough year in many different ways. Individuals and organizations worldwide have seen their existence turned upside down and had to regroup in order to stay afloat. Ill-fated stories related to the pandemic abound but how about we try and focus on the positive, as tough as it may be? Adversity can be turned into a challenge, and challenge into an opportunity. This is precisely what we’ve seen with many businesses operating in the live event industry. Here’s the full story…

Although obviously not everyone reading this is directly involved with the event industry, I think most will admit they’ve been affected by its wind-down at least to a degree. 

There are currently no sports games with fans, no concerts, no trade fairs or conferences taking place in their usual format. 

This has been the case for months now and nobody seems to know if a return to the previous state is on the horizon, but before we’ll look ahead, let’s take a step back…

How it started 

The live events industry came to a grinding halt basically worldwide starting March 2020. Sports leagues, theaters, concerts, trade shows, among others, had to cease their operations. 

This has rendered many of the people involved in producing these various events idle. The economic fallout has been huge.

One of the live event industry branches in particular that we’ve seen adapt quite well to the situation at hand are trade shows and various conferences. Basically, any events where businesses meet other businesses and / or clients and human interaction is essential for everyone to call it a success.  

Many such get-togethers went virtual, relying on a live broadcast and a chat room for that social experience. 

Adjusting on the go

One of the things we’ve all learned the hard way during the pandemic is how important social interaction is to us, both in personal and commercial context. 

Luckily, we have the tools to stay close even at a physical distance, so people wasted no time and jumped on Zoom, Google Meet, Slack and other platforms for remote collaboration

Office dwellers were quick to adapt and able to continue their work but what about other industries where direct interaction between people is essential?

With numerous live events being cancelled, the organizers had to improvise to keep the participants attending the show. Many of them reconfigured their setups and decided to live stream their events online while finding a way to bring the attendees closer together. 

The role of live chat at virtual events

Live chat co-occurring with usually not so formal webcasts isn’t all that new, however, the scale at which it’s now been used for professional events can’t be dismissed. 

Live chat by itself provides a strong fix for a major issue in allowing the organizers to keep perhaps the most important aspect of events, which is the social, going.

We’ve now seen Chatwee being used during virtual events for things like:

  • live discussion
  • interactive FAQs
  • answering participants’ questions
  • allowing participants to engage directly with the organizers
  • rooms serving as business booths 
  • rooms devoted to particular topics or accompanying lectures or presentations

Chatwee has proved to be a simple yet powerful add-on for shows and conferences in a variety of niches. It fits any event, really, as its main purpose is to get the attendees engaged and it does just that.

Ready to level up?

If you’re an event organizer who’s been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic or you’re simply looking to enhance the virtual experience you’re offering anyway, consider trying out Chatwee.

If interested, please sign up using the form below. Once you have an account, you’ll be able to purchase a relevant month-to-month subscription or a pay per use event plan in your Dashboard.

Please mind that we offer up to 3000 simultaneous users capacity, as well as custom development of new features your particular use case may require. 
If you’ll have any questions prior, feel free to contact me directly.

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