Shoutbox Showdown – Turn Chatwee Into a Minimal Chat

In essence, Chatwee has been designed as a comprehensive platform facilitating communication among members of online communities. The app offers a wide range of features to make interaction as engaging and exciting as possible. Still, we’ve learned along the way that some users actually prefer a simpler chat with less frills. Enter Chatwee shoutbox mode! 

One of the best things about our group chat app is that it’s very flexible and so can be used for a variety of purposes. Online communities differ in their needs and styles of interaction. Luckily, Chatwee is capable of adapting and meeting these needs.

For those who put emphasis on extremely informal and rapid communication, there’s the shoutbox mode. What it does is it disables multiple default features and layout elements of the chat, leaving only the essentials on.

Sounds like something you’d be interested in trying on your site? Let me show you how to do this in a couple of clicks.

How to turn your Chatwee into a shoutbox 

It’s simple, really, and all you’ll have to do is adjust a couple of settings in your Dashboard. Now, I appreciate there may be levels to how minimal you’ll want to go with your chat, so I’ll show you two version of the shoutbox.

In order to achieve what you see above, go to your Dashboard, click the Customize tab in the left-hand column and then select:

  • Desktop display > Desktop layout > tabbed 
  • Chatrooms > Chatroom users > disable chatroom user list 
  • Click Apply Changes at the bottom of the page and you’re done!

You may also want to adjust the default size of the chat window in:

  • Desktop display > Default chat width / height

Moving on, we have another version of the Chatwee shoutbox with even less elements displayed, in case all you want your users to do is post rapid messages.

In order to achieve what you see above, go to your Dashboard, click the Customize tab in the left-hand column and then select:

  • Desktop display > Desktop layout > tabbed 
  • Chatrooms > Chatroom users > disable chatroom user list 
  • Private chats > Private chats > disable private conversations 
  • Support chat feature > Community section > disable community section
  • Click Apply Changes at the bottom of the page and you’re done!

You may go even further and disable chat rooms as well, making the chat super minimal. To do so, go to:

  • Chatrooms > Chatrooms > disable chatrooms


So there you have it, you can now easily turn your Chatwee into a shoutbox if that’s what better fits your community needs. You can keep some of the features on, or make it very minimal and allow only for posting messages in the public room.

If you’re interested in what other layouts are available, please visit the Chatwee demo page.

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