Custom Internal Business Communication System

I sometimes feel like I’m beating a dead horse, emphasizing how important efficient communication is. Apparently, everybody knows this but as an individual who pays particular attention to words, let me tell you this isn’t the case at all. In general, especially at the scale of wider populace, very few people are adept at conveying their thoughts in a structured and clear manner. Businesses understand this and often hire people to communicate their ideas to the outside world. What about their internal communication, though? How can it be improved? Let’s take a closer look at the issue.  

Just as not everyone can be a great basketball player or a musician, not everyone is capable of communicating effectively either. 

This doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t make the effort to become better. Some innate talent definitely plays a role but with sufficient training, anyone can develop their speaking and writing skills. It’s a performance act that can be improved on with practice.

The medium, be it speech or text, is one thing, but then there’s also the particular channel of communication.

Business comm basics

Business communication is a daily occurence and takes many forms. People talk over the phone or Google Meet, forward official letters and requests, send email on a variety of topics and of different importance – basically, they choose whichever method of getting their message across is most suiting or efficient in a given situation. 

One aspect of business comm I’d like to focus on in particular is various types of digital text.

Certain contexts may require certain conventions to be upheld, especially in some cultures, however, instant messengers and things like group chats are here to stay.

Communication in business is huge. If you can’t explain your ideas well, be it to your customers or colleagues, they quickly lose value. If you can’t lay down your expectations towards someone clearly, it’s very probable they’ll fail to meet them.


Businesses constantly strive to optimize all aspects of their operations. From stationery budget to international shipping of products and everything in between. Communication lays somewhere on the spectrum but I can’t shake off the feeling that it’s being neglected more often than not.

Email isn’t the be-all and end-all when it comes to internal business communication. There are other ways to go about it, as evidenced by the growth of Slack and its alternatives. The main idea behind implementing these apps is to improve productivity in the workplace and cut down on email backlog.

What may be problematic is finding a solution that already has most of what you need and / or is capable of being further developed to suit your requirements even better.

What’s the functional core of an internal business communication app, though? What are its must-haves if it was to help you facilitate and optimize the operations of your organization?

The essentials of an internal business comm system

Many SMEs and corporations are using team communication platforms on a daily basis. This comes on top of the rise of remote work culture which seems to be increasingly embraced by employers and employees alike not only because it’s convenient in many lines of business but also because it helps cut costs.

The main purpose of an internal business communication app is to enhance workflows and speed up the exchange of information among groups and individuals.

So, what essential features should you look for when deciding on a business comm platform?

The solution you’ll implement should:

  • be scalable
  • offer private and group chats 
  • allow for file sharing
  • allow you to filter and search for messages
  • offer push notifications
  • offer audio chatting 
  • provide advanced customization options 

After all, you’ll walk further and more comfortably in shoes that fit well than ones you haven’t even had the chance to try on.

Chatwee is here for you!

Well, I wasn’t going to hang you out to dry. If you’re here reading this, you must’ve already noticed the chat app installed on the site.

What you see is one of its multiple display modes and settings configurations that best suit our blog. You can also head over to to see it’s full default form.

The point is our instant messaging app is pretty flexible and can fit in neatly with any business or organization, as it offers a chock-full of editing options, including custom CSS styling. 

Chatwee has everything your team may need to hold efficient, daily, real-time business and informal conversations. On top of that we’re capable and experienced in delivering custom features for your specific use case, so why not give it a try?

Sign up using the form below with no commitments whatsoever and give Chatwee a good spin. Feel free to contact us with any feedback or business inquiries you may have.

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