Digital Nomads And Their Intratribal Communication

It seems only right that I start off by admitting to writing this blog post on digital nomads from a coffee shop. Even though I’m not one myself, since I’m bound to a single city, I’ve become quite fascinated by the idea of working on the go. Enough about me though. What I’d like to discuss in particular here is a way for digital nomads to communicate with each other while staying independent and mobile. Read on.

One essential question that’s been bothering me with regards to the diginom lifestyle is whether you’re always, or never at work?

It’s tough to provide a straightforward answer – I suppose there are multiple factors at play that you’d have to determine first.

What I feel is worth noting is that digital nomads are somewhat isolated, despite often being surrounded by people wherever they go. Still, understanding the lifestyle they chose may not come easy to others.

Yet, these mobile workers are tech savvy and should use this to their advantage not only in strictly professional, but also social terms.

Sooo, who’s this post for, to be exact?

Right, so far I’ve rambled a bit about diginoms in general, hinting ever so slightly at the communication aspect of the issue. Let me now be more specific and state explicitly who will benefit from reading this post.

I’ve recently discussed the idea of niche sites and today’s topic fits the category as well.

This post is definitely for you, if you’ve been thinking about launching, or are already running a site that caters to digital nomads in some way. This may be a website which aims at establishing a community of diginoms, and bringing them closer together, or which provides some sort of resources for people travelling the globe and working.

In case you’re looking for inspiration, you may want to start with the subreddit devoted to digital nomads.

Another group of people who may find this post interesting are employers working with multiple freelancers, looking for ways to facilitate communication with their contractors.

Obviously, if you’re a digital nomad yourself, dear reader, there’s value to be found here as well. You may start thinking about certain aspects of the lifestyle you chose in a new way.

Whichever group you belong to, the main point is you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of information flow for digital nomads.

These are people going to foreign countries, places they’ve never been before, and probably don’t know a whole lot about in terms of real, day to day life there. Any website that provides means for real-time communication and exchange of information among visitors will instantly become the preferred destination for diginoms.

Fine, you have my attention, now cut to the chase

The option to talk to others, who’ve been where you’re headed, is of great help to any digital nomad. It can save you a ton of time, as well as some costly mistakes. If you’re someone eyeing to launch a site, or already have one, you can greatly enhance the experience by creating a platform for online communication in real time.

One way to do that is by installing live chat with dedicated chat rooms and a group conversation feature.

Since digital nomads are all about productivity and getting things done, they should find the option to chat to others whenever and wherever they are to be a great boon. So, how exactly does a live chat widget benefit diginoms?

free means of instant communication

networking opportunity

new business opportunities

they may be in a situation where they can’t communicate aloud (working at a library, coffee shop, etc.)

Final word on digital nomads and communication

I predict the trend of remote working combined with travel will not falter in our increasingly globalized world. That said, if I were a digital nomad and frequented some related sites, would I like the ability to chat to other people live? Heck yeah! Why wouldn’t I?!

This would bring me closer to other individuals with the same mindset, I could count on support from folks, and be able to collect valuable information regarding my next destination. All done in real-time!

Do you have any experience working remotely, or maybe you’ve been planning to become a digital nomad yourself? If so, I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment down below, or tweet me @Chatwee with your insight.

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