Chatwee Monthly Update: May 2014

What a month! So many improvements to our chat platform have not been implemented yet in any other month earlier. Full list of fixes generally exceeded the number of seventy, and the month is not over yet! We will not discuss, of course, all the little things we have been up to so that you do not get bored, but we want to boast several functionalities, which will especially appeal to you.

What we have prepared for you this time? I encourage you to read about the new features added on Chatwee May Update.


User is typing…

This is simple, however very engaging feature. This is option widely known to all Facebook users. However, we did it in our own modified way. We have resigned with text message indicating like “the user is typing…”. It has been replaced with a smart animated ‘pen icon’ and emerges always when the user on a list starts writing a new message.

The message-writing indicator doesn’t show up only in the users list. During the private chat session your interlocutors actions are also notified in the same way.


Google+ Login Method

From now on you can allow your chatters to use Google+ login method. IF it comes to the login integrations we have the big three available: Google, Facebook and Twitter.

Any other social integrations can be arranged as well in feature on demand Enterprise option. If you have any suggestions – please share them in the comments or contact us directly.

Chat platform Google+ Login



Different Avatar shapes

As we added the Google+ integration we could not resist to implement circular avatars. They look amazing, besides you can choose the shape you prefer: rectangle, rounded or circular. Everything can be set in the Control Panel – as usual.



Users List Toggle Button

This feature rocks! We love the design of new ‘users toggle’ button and the actions that it does. Users list can be disabled by every single users directly in chat window to adjust the performance and improve the view.

Users list can also be disabled at all in Chatwee Control Panel. Just go to Customize and open the General tab and uncheck the option ‘Enable users list’. Another handy option below the previous one is ‘Display users list at start’ which means that you disable the users list by default but users are able to switch it on if needed.



Resizable Users List

Another super cool feature which required from us lots of wrestling (but we finally won the battle) is users list resizing option. In compact mode view it is possible now to grab the inner edge and resize it while shifting the proportion of width in relation to the main chat.

It is great because every user can use their own chat window width preferences and again… fit it in every possible way. From the very beginning we are deeply committed to flexible appearance of our chat.



MAC OS X Compatibility

For some time we have received indications that the chat does not work properly on all the latest versions of Mac OS X. Finally, we were able to locate the problem, so now we can clearly say that Chatwee works completely well in this operating system without any layout distractions.


What’s next?

The priority task of Chatwee Team is now working on a new version of the mobile application. Very soon chat on your phone will receive a modern responsive layout with handy interface to maximize intuitive usage.

We also plan to issue a version of the chat in the pop out window. We are going to generate for you editable and friendly URLs to chat rooms, so you could share your chat with friends in social media and wherever.

Any comments on these features and requests highly appreciated.

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