Get Live Chat Software Features on Demand

Every single day we receive from you suggestions and ideas how to develop our live chat software. We work in the sweat of his brow on adding still more and more features. Each request sent by you about new functionality is thoroughly analyzed and taken into account in the planning process. Some of these submitted ideas are waiting in the queue for execution, but some of them, due to time constraints are rejected.

Therefore, we want at least to have a chance meeting the expectations of all our customers, we offered the possibility of obtaining feature on demand.


What does Feature on Demand means?

Each client has the ability to order special feature to his chat. If you only know what exactly you would like us to do for your chat your wish may become our command. Of course, everything has its price, that is way any such offer of innovative solution is considered only within the Enterprise plan. As it is shown the example below, the process of implementation of the new features is very easy and usually takes several days – depending of course on the complexity of ordered features.


Case study: Telugu translator

One of our clients recently wished to make his application automatically translated and showed chat messages in Telugu. Client approached us with his own initiative, and after brief negotiations within three days, he had the opportunity to test new features before buying.


How do I get chat feature implemented to my chat platform?

The best way to get things done fast and easy is contacting our team via the contact form. Select Feature Request or Enterprise plan as a topic of your message, then try to describe your idea of ​​the new feature with the last details. Please, try to be precise, this will help us with a quicker examination of your case and the sooner we can go into action. During the implementation process, we are in constant contact with you, so you can always perform tests on new features. Thanks to this the final result always meets your expectations.


Your feedback matters

We realize that each person has unique and sophisticated needs, so absolutely not surprising is number of incoming suggestions. What’s more we appreciate it very much, because it confirms that you are interested in our application and therefore we ask you to send even more. Do not hide your needs, even if they may seem a completely crazy, because for us, impossible is nothing. Each of you contribute in this way to build an even better and richer messaging application.

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