Group Therapy Sessions Online – Professional Mental Health Support via Live Chat

In rather simplistic terms, as going into details of the matter would exceed the purpose of this post, the Universe is based on various opposites balancing each other out. A human being is no exception and in order to function properly it has to stay healthy both in the flesh and spirit. The importance of the former seems to take up more space in the public debate, especially since the latter isn’t always on an obvious display. It’s hard to prioritize one over the other but one thing’s certain – mental issues need to be addressed and technology is helping to make this happen.

Mental health issues are complex, often specific to the individual, and need to be handled with care. There’s probably more people who require therapy than qualified professionals able to attend to them all. 

The best way to address one’s issues would be via the means of individual, in-person therapy sessions. This, however, may not always be possible for a variety of reasons including availability, cost, time and distance. 

Online therapy

Instead of letting one’s problems marinate, an individual can turn online to seek some form of alleviation.

These days there are many opportunities for finding therapy options on the Internet. Actually, this isn’t anything especially new, but in the pandemic times it’s become a sort of a necessity. This whole area of mental health care has grown exponentially, as people have been forced to avoid direct interaction as much as possible. 

That said, if someone is experiencing any symptoms of a worsening mental state, they don’t have to look for a specialist in their area to arrange a visit. It’s now relatively easy to go online and receive help virtually. This can be a major difference maker and a booster in itself or a great way to prepare oneself for formal treatment down the line, should the need be.

Now, there’s an important distinction I’d like to make at this point. If you’re battling mental issues, you can submit yourself to individual therapy or become a part of a peer support group with other individuals like you and counselors present. 

The following part of the post focuses on the latter and explains how Chatwee can support online group therapy sessions indeed, as it has been doing for a number of organizations. 

Group therapy done digitally 

Receiving a proper individual diagnosis, preferably in person is important but in the long run finding a peer support group for one’s stable well-being is also crucial. 

When it comes to treating mental disorders, the power of group therapy sessions lies in showing the sufferer they’re not alone in their situation.

Online support groups provide a much needed outlet for oftentimes bottled up, negative emotions. Joining one provides a sense of relief knowing there are others like you, understanding your experience. Advice from peers who’ve been through the same as you have can go a long way in facilitating the healing process.

This is why the value of a therapy session taking place in a chat room can’t be ignored. For many, this may be the only support they can get.

Chatwee has already proved its usefulness in online mental therapy as it has been adopted by organizations such as The Mix, SANE Australia, Beat Eating Disorders, and Changing Faces to create safe spaces for troubled individuals to find help in.

Besides the fact you can join a session from anywhere and don’t have to commute, Chatwee offers a number of features specifically facilitating interaction between carers and patients. Some of these include:

  • Public and 1 to 1 chats 
  • Multiple chat rooms that can be password-protected
  • Different login methods and access authorization
  • Short voice messages 
  • Link and file sharing 
  • Powerful moderation including different ban types, keyword filter, and message premoderation 
  • And plenty of others that will allow you to adjust the chat to your preferences

All features can be switched on and off, as per specific needs of organizations. Moreover, Team Chatwee is capable of developing new chat functions that meet the unique requirements of a given community

Final word 

The growth of online mental health counselling is a welcomed phenomenon. Technology like group chat has created new opportunities for people to receive much needed help. 

Going online has the benefit of gaining access to therapists or similar individuals who can be a better fit for you, that you wouldn’t have had access to otherwise.

Chatwee is a tested solution making treatment of various mental issues more accessible across desktop and mobile devices. Its slew of features facilitates the connection between sufferers and counsellors as well as helps build a longstanding peer support network which is absolutely essential for successful therapy outcomes.

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