Live Trading Chat Room: Getting More Traders to Join

The world of finances has been traditionally the domain of men wearing suspenders. Although it’s true they’re still running the business, an increasing number of pedestrians have been wandering into places like virtual stock exchanges, looking for ways to grow their capital. Since many of them aren’t exactly experts when it comes to investing, they seek guidance in their financial endeavors. This article is intended for those, who are running finance-related websites and may be looking for ways to expand their services, for instance, by adding live trading chat room. Read on to see what benefits does day trading chat hold for your site users.

Like I said, a large number of people these days are looking for methods to build up their funds. For some of them, this may be a side hustle, others, if good enough, may even consider a career change.

The business environment a lot of the home-made investors turn to is the Internet. And rightfully so. It’s a low-cost medium with tons of information available. Opportunities to make an extra buck abound too.

The problem is that a lot of to-be-traders are lacking knowledge and experience necessary to achieve at least some level of success in the dog eat dog world of finances. Here’s where you come in with your website, my dear reader. Regardless of the exact profile of your operations, there’s a number of applications for live chat room in the business. Let’s take a closer look now.

Using live chat room to support business communication

The fact that you’re working in the finance industry doesn’t mean the money’s going to make itself (or does it?), you still have to take care of your clients.

Whether you’re publishing a simple blog with financial advice and want to acquire more readers, or you’re offering money loans, you’ll definitely come across competition. Anything that can make you stand out, give you an edge or make you more accessible to prospects is good.

One of the ways you can use chat room on a finance website is by providing advice and sharing information in real-time with your site visitors, thus positioning yourself as an expert. If conveying knowledge is your main line of business, how about using live chat to support 1 to 1 courses? There are websites out there offering interactive business lectures, that use live trading chat room as a part of classes.

Live chat as a customer service tool in finance

The finance industry offers products, whose purchase usually involves serious consequences and long-term commitments. Despite many of them being available online, people often have their reservations when it comes to pulling the trigger. What is frequently missing is the option to talk to a real person while on-site.

Live chat solves this by providing a medium over which site visitors can talk to your financial institution reps in case they have any doubts or need explanation of any of the oftentimes complicated terms.

One great thing about having live chat installed on your website is that it allows for professional and formal communication, yet it isn’t as invasive as telephone often is, putting a lot of pressure on the caller. Chat box grants both parties significant freedom in thinking their questions/answers through. Especially clients can make well-considered decisions, while customer service reps are always able to instantly link to more information, attach files, explain legal nuances or point to where to download forms, charts, etc.

If your company offers finance products, you can use live chat room to let clients check on the status of their loan application, inquire about current interest rate or required down payment amount, provide explanations and assistance if their credit cards fail authorization or help them go through an online loan application form to prevent abandonment.

Live trading chat room – only big boys allowed

Chances are that if you’re reading this, you’re already running one or planning to launch a day trading website, and thus don’t need an explanation regarding what it is. However, out of respect toward the readers not entirely familiar with the concept, I’ll provide a short definition nevertheless: day trading is about buying and selling financial instruments such as stocks, options, currencies and future contracts within the same trading day. All positions are closed before the market close for the trading day.

This activity used to be limited to financial firms and professional speculators but the number of at-home traders is growing. You can now find them in live trading chat rooms alongside other investors, engaging in joint analyses and sending alerts.

What’s so appealing to these fresh entrepreneurs is that the experience they gain in day trading chat room is a great learning tool. Despite perhaps not having a lot of formal education in finance, they’re walking among more experienced traders, learning on the fly.

Some of the benefits your website users will draw from live trading chat room include:

  • getting first-hand experience by observing professional traders in action
  • learning by being able to listen and ask questions live
  • learning trading strategies
  • learning money management techniques
  • receiving buy and sell alerts and transaction signals
  • receiving heads-up on swing trades, momentum stocks, day trades
  • receiving financial tips
  • receiving personal consultation via private live chat

Another big advantage of having live trading chat room installed on your finance website might be its community building power.

Obviously, stock exchanges aren’t open 24/7/365 and most of the day trading websites fall in line with that, however, this doesn’t mean that people can’t meet in a chat room for stock talk outside of office hours.

Just to sum up this point, let me say that live trading chat room brings together both, financial experts and less experienced players, in order for them to jointly analyze markets, stocks and indices, learn tech aspects, market psychology and styles of trading – all this in real-time! People coming to your site are able to learn from one another for mutual benefit, creating a self-sustaining community, even outside of the trading day.

Oh, and by the way. Consider putting up a timetable for when your live trading chat room is active, what aspects of finance are you covering and who’s running the show during particular segments.

It’s time for you to speak up!

Here at Chatwee we’re always willing to listen to what our chat users have to say. While I have your attention, I’d like to ask you what other features that we haven’t yet implemented do you think would come in handy for live trading chat room or any other live chat for that matter?

Feel free to let us know in the comments below or log in to your Chatwee Dashboard and then click here to go to a page where you can upvote a number of suggested functionalities. You can also access the same page after you log in to the Dashboard, at the very bottom of the home screen, where it says UPVOTE SUGGESTIONS.

We appreciate all the comments, thanks for your time!

Final word

It comes as no surprise that strong online presence is as important in the finance industry as it is anywhere else. Live chat room comes through as a useful tool for website owners and aspiring traders alike. It helps in providing customer service, boosts conversion rates and creates a unique opportunity to learn the ropes of investing, first hand.

Live trading chat room’s social aspect, based on the ability to meet and network with other business-oriented users creates added value to a member account.

It is also an affordable and secure means of interaction, using the SSL/HTTPS encrypted communication. There’s plenty of customization options available, starting with appearance, downloading chat transcripts for future reference and being mobile-ready – a feature especially useful in the stock trading business, where timing is of utmost importance.

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