Live Chat – Your Business Growth Stimulant in 2016

By the time you’re reading this, the Christmas-New Year dust must have already settled and your business is most likely back to its regularly scheduled program. Many of us take this time to look back, but more importantly, ahead, and ponder the steps we need to take in order to come closer to achieving the personal and professional goals we set in front of us. The year is still young, and the time to innovate or do some refurbishment to your business is as good as ever. The post you’re about to read is intended to show you how live chat can help you improve in a number of areas and thus stimulate your business growth in 2016.

The reason why I think this article is worth your time is because the amount of work you have to put into live chat implementation is minimal, while the return you get on the investment is quite tangible. In purely technical terms, getting started with Chatwee is as easy as pasting a line of code or downloading a plugin extension.

If you’ve been thinking about making some positive changes this year, that will translate into overall business growth, I’d like to show you a number of areas, where you can improve by installing live chat. Sounds too easy to you? Well, then point me to holes in my argumentation! Take a look…

Become more customer friendly

Customer satisfaction has a tremendous impact on your business growth. It is achieved on many different levels, too. One of them is open communication and interaction. People no longer want to just buy from you. They want to be able to interact in the process.

Having live chat installed on your website, you’re signalling that you’re ready to listen and help. Customers expect and appreciate this channel, as it’s free and they can get immediate answers while using it across various devices.

In terms of customer friendliness, live chat helps both parties involved in solving minor problems right away, thus creating positive experience and boosting your business growth. On top of all that, live chat widget makes your company look more modern and up to date. You can use it to make yourself stand out among the competition and attract more customers.

Lower the cost of customer service

Live chat boosts your business growth not only by being pro customer. It creates value on your end of the deal as well.

Customer service isn’t a matter of ‘will I have to provide it?’, but rather ‘how do I make it efficient?’. There’s the customer-oriented efficiency I discussed in the previous paragraph, and your business-oriented efficiency, meaning the labor and costs you incur in the course of its provision.

A solution like Chatwee lets you work with a steady, affordable monthly fee adjusted to the volume of customer service you’re providing and even has a free-forever plan if that suits you.

You can trim your telephone expenses and assign less agents to provide the same amount of support, as they can multitask. Ask yourself this – how many customers can an agent serve simultaneously on the phone? Exactly.

Using a live chat widget, less agents provide support to the same or even greater number of customers. You’re also not bound by any long-term plans, as it is the case with telephones. You can thus allocate the funds elsewhere in an attempt to boost your business growth.

Collect insights to facilitate business growth

Information on your customers is one of the key assets required for continuous business growth. Your live chat agents can use predesigned surveys to collect information regarding customer pain points, or discover them during their daily conversations with clients.

Your website visitors may be more willing and find it easier to openly share their opinions via live chat that’s always there in the corner of the site, than when they have to look for a miniature email address somewhere in the footer or have to fill out a form and not know when to expect a reply.

Essentially, live chat widget is more encouraging when it comes to contacting a business.

Boost sales

Live chat is big in ecommerce. Personally, I had a number of instances, where I wanted to speak to someone, as I had some extra questions, but needed the answers then and there. Not being able to do so definitely influenced my purchase decision. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who feels this way.

In order to boost your business growth, you’ll have to boost sales by convincing unsure customers that they’re making the right decision. The task of a live chat agent is to provide reassurance that the purchase the customer is about to make is the right thing to do.

Spending money is often a matter of having the right mindstate, as much as it is of the actual financial capability. Potential clients will look for a genuine human touch in the process of buying and live chat can provide just that.

Develop a community around your brand or product

Having an online community of loyal enthusiasts centered around your brand or product is somewhat of an under the radar facet of business growth.

In order to develop customer loyalty, you have to provide excellent service and quality of products, that’s for sure. Simply adding live chat to your site doesn’t do the job. I assume you’ve been working on it already.

Once you’re there, though, it’s definitely good to have your own platform, where people who share affinity toward your brand can come together and talk to each other and you. What I’m trying to stress here is that you shouldn’t rely entirely on social media for this kind of interaction, but try to drive extra traffic to your site, where you can actually do some business too.

Chatwee makes it easy for chatters to join in. You can have an entirely open policy, where anyone can chat, or use Single Sign-on to allow site members only. Alternatively, you could settle for something in between by enabling login via users’ social media profiles to keep things civilized.

If you’re still unsure about why would you need an online community for business growth, take a look at some numbers here.

Final word

To sum things up, if you’re looking for ways to support your online business growth, live chat comes forth as an excellent add-on that doesn’t require huge labor or financial input, regardless of the industry you’re in.

Whether it’s ecommerce or growing a community around your brand, you’ll find live chat useful, as it’s a multi-application tool helping you to improve customer service, collect data and refine your budget.

Chatwee comes with multiple platform integrations and customization options to ensure your business growth. If your site hasn’t been very socially-oriented thus far, you can easily change it. Sign up in minutes for a free account and start using Chatwee today!

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