Chat Room For Live Streaming Sites: Making Broadcasts Better

While having friends drop by your place for a movie or game night has always been fun (well, unless someone smeared taco meat all over your couch or one of the controllers got smashed after a humiliating loss in 2K), you might want to switch things up from time to time and look for a little different type of social interaction. The Web now offers a plethora of opportunities to engage other individuals, who share your interests. Setting the more obvious ones like social media or online forums aside, I’d like to turn to live videos and discuss how chat room for live streaming sites can become an interesting alternative to entertaining guests at your house.

I want this post to be useful to both, the live video streaming site owners and the potential chat room dwellers, so the perspective of my writing may change throughout the article.

The former group should be able to draw inspiration for their own online copy, for example, or get some ideas on how to otherwise promote their live broadcasting website containing live chat. The latter bunch, on the other hand, I hope will boldly go where a lot of men have gone before (sorry, Captain Kirk) to seek new kind of entertainment, that they may not have tried yet.

With that being said, I encourage anyone who’s interested in live video broadcasts to plow through this entire post and then either install chat room on your website or give it a go as a user, depending on the group you belong to as a reader.

I gotta feeling that chat room for live streaming sites might be the new chillin on the couch with your friends.

How does chat room for live streaming sites help the owners?

If your website is based on broadcasting live video content it means you’re trying to build up an audience. Getting website hits and creating traffic is good but what’s even better is having a group of loyal users, who keep coming back to the site and interact with each other on the regular.

Your job is to facilitate this interaction, for instance, by installing chat box, where site visitors can comment upon and discuss the broadcast in real time. This way you promote  building a community with the ultimate goal of making it self-sustaining and being able to enjoy steady traffic to your site.

I consider this social aspect to be the biggest advantage of having chat box on a live video sharing service website, however, it doesn’t end there. You can also use live chat for your own purposes like immediate collection of feedback or making yourself accessible if the broadcasts you’re streaming are your own feature programs where you discuss various topics and would like to interact with the audience.

There isn’t much downside to having a chatbox on your live video streaming site. The thing you might be worried about as an admin, however, is the quality of comments appearing in the chatroom. To tackle this potential issue, any good live chat will provide you with powerful moderation and banning options.

And frankly, I consider having to deal with trolls as a sign of success anyway. A challenge any website owner should look forward too. This may be a controversial view but if someone is taking the time of his day to try and spoil your efforts, you must be doing something right.

What does chat room for live streaming sites have to offer to the visitors?

The coolest thing about going into chat room is that it’s a combination of me-time and a time spent with others.

So, how does it compare to chillin on the couch? How is it better?

Well, first off all you can still splatter yourself over the couch if you’re feeling cozy, and use your mobile device to engage into conversation with other people online. The things you don’t have to worry about are your outfit, hairdo or having enough snacks for everybody.

Also, if you’re no longer feeling the vibe in the room, you can dip anytime without risking a friendly faux-pas or change rooms to see what’s going on elsewhere.

I’d like you to realize that chat rooms aren’t only for some wackos watching webcams. I want you to go out there and take advantage of the things live chat has to offer. Take a look below at some examples of applications of chat rooms on live video sharing service websites to get an idea of where to start your explorations.

Specific applications of chat room for live streaming sites

The content that’s being streamed online varies greatly. In this post I’ll focus on some of the most popular types of live video streams, which:

a) happen to already have large communities centered around them offline
b) are extensive enough to keep users occupied for a long time without them getting bored

Again, there are many websites broadcasting live video. If you’re trying to set up or have one already, you should be looking for ways to build a community of returning visitors in order to make your endeavor a success.

Live sports streaming

Live sports might be one of the most popular videos streamed online. They also happen to be a frequent cause of couch get-togethers.

Now, the thing about watching live streamed games is that they’re only half as fun if you do it alone. Being able to interact with other supporters of the same team (or opponent team fans) always boosts the experience.

It may happen that a number of circumstances will prevent you from enjoying a live sports broadcast with your buddies. In such case you can always turn to live video chat box to express how much of a die-hard fan you are or get into others’ heads by trash talking.

Streaming films and TV series

Putting the obvious legality concerns pertaining to streaming films and TV series aside for a moment (see the last but one paragraph of this post), the idea of watching a film or the latest episode of your favorite TV show online and commenting upon the unfolding events in real-time should be appealing to most of the movie buffs.

Going into chat room on live streaming sites to discuss a cinematic piece or a TV series episode as they play might be an interesting alternative for people who got stranded on a figurative lonely island or deliberately chose to not see their friends but still wanted someone to interact with.

Streaming music and live concerts

Anybody who’s ever been to a live concert knows there’s nothing like it. The sheer volume of sound, the number of people sharing similar ideas gathered in one place, the memories you create, are all unmatched.

The music cassette’s heyday is long gone and with the development of technology artists and fans are connecting in new ways.

In order to reach more fans, some bands decide to stream their concerts live online. This often is the only chance a lot of people have to see their favorite artists perform on stage. It’s also an opportunity for them to link up with other fans in real-time using chat rooms.

Music-based live chats can also be implemented by radio stations, taking requests from their listeners, accepting shout-outs and interacting with the audience in other ways.

Live video gaming

The last, and maybe the most important type of streamed content I’d like to highlight is live video gaming. It may seem funny that a huge number of people prefer to watch a game being played by someone else that playing it themselves but this is exactly what takes place.

Just take a look at the popularity of websites like Twitch. Even South Park has had a two-episode season 10 finale, whose one of the main plots was the idea of Let’s Play. Kyle even goes as far as to proclaim the death of the living room.

Thus, if you run a website where you live stream your gaming sessions, you should definitely consider adding live video chat box to it, to allow people watching you interact with yourself and other spectators in real-time.


Just to make things clear, Chatwee doesn’t support digital piracy in no way, shape or form.

All rights to the streamed content belong to their rightful owners. All the publishing and viewing is done at the sole discretion of the streamer and viewer respectively.

Final word

I believe it’s safe to say that the Web is getting live(er), especially if you consider the growth of popularity not only of browser-based live streaming services, but also of mobile apps like Periscope and Meerkat, allowing their users to pretty much stream whatever they’re currently doing.

Internet users demand information to be delivered to them as fast as possible and appreciate the opportunity to participate in live events and engage with other like-minded individuals.

Whether these are Cowboys fans or Game of Thrones junkies, your goal as an administrator of a video streaming website is to give them tools to interact. I’m absolutely not against having a bunch of friends getting together to sit on the couch and watch a live game, I’m simply raising a flag that there’s a whole different world out there online, offering new ways to spend time and interact with people in real-time.

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