Online Radio Chat Room – Keeping Listeners Engaged

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Since it was first conceptualized in the 1890s, the radio has come a long way from being a novel, imperfect communication device to a major broadcasting and entertainment platform, with its golden age set in the 1930s. Although new means of communication over distance have evolved, radio hasn’t been discarded but instead it reinvented itself by fusing with the Internet to keep its listeners tuned in and engaged, with chatroom widgets being a part of the transformation.


Finding Community Online: Connecting in Chat Rooms

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Individualism is what truly makes humans interesting. If everyone looked and thought the same, life would’ve been boring. The diversity of views, however, isn’t unproblematic. On a grander scale, there’s the conflict of interests that may stem from it. But then, on a personal level, you may have individuals who follow certain ideas but don’t have many or any people around who share them. These folks may crave the companionship of other like-minded persons and their best bet for finding community is going online.  


6 Ways to Add Unique Value to Your Online Community

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All successful online communities have several features in common. They offer sections like news and latest activity, social sharing buttons, the option for admins to promote members within ranks, comments turned on, perhaps a forum too. These are must-haves that people will expect to be available by default and look for that unique value that makes you stand out if they were to join. There are surely many ways for you to level up, depending on your budget and creativity. In this post I’m going to discuss six easy ways you can generate more value for your online community that won’t strain your pockets. Sounds good?


Benefits of Adding Live Chat to Your Online Forum

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Online forums, despite having their shortcomings, have been a pretty great invention, really. Personally, I used to spend quite some time on a variety of them back in the days before social media blew up. I remember really looking forward to logging in and engaging with other community members on topics I’ve been passionate about. The idea of a discussion board is still going strong, but how can you make yours stand out and grow? Read on as I examine the benefits of adding live chat to an online forum.


Chatwee – A Potent Piece Of Your Website Puzzle

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‘So, tell me, why should I install Chatwee at all? How’s it going to help me?’ Well, I’m glad you asked. What every quality product does, be it physical or digital, is it makes your life easier, solves a problem, or otherwise brings something of value to the table. At this point, most people active online must be familiar with some sort of live chat software. What they may not realize, though, is the scope of applications a widget like that can have. In this post, I’ll show you some ways in which you can utilize Chatwee to improve the performance of your site and create a better user experience.